
Deneen L. Donnley


Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Consolidated Edison, Inc. (NYSE:ED), one of the nation’s largest investor-owned energy-delivery companies. Prior to joining Consolidated Edison, Ms. Donnley served as Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Corporate Secretary for USAA, a Fortune 150 diversified financial services company, where she was a strategic advisor to the Chief Executive Officer and to the board of directors. Additionally, Ms. Donnley has served on the boards of: M1 Finance since 2022; Consolidated Edison, Inc. clean energy and transmission subsidiaries since 2020; and USAA Life Insurance and Property and Casualty subsidiaries from 2015-2019. Further, she serves on the board of directors of Girls Inc. of New York City, the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity, Fordham Law Alumni Association, and is a member of the General Counsel Steering Committee of the National Association of Corporate Directors. Ms. Donnley brings over 20 years of legal and corporate governance experience to the board, making her well qualified to provide oversight and guidance for Piedmont.